The Production department of Officina Contini manufactures moulds up to a maximum weight of 8000kg and dimensions up to 1000X1000X800. It is equipped with 10 CNC machines, all connected on a network accessible from all CAD stations, including roughing and finishing machines, machining centers for electrodes and for all standard spare parts (e.g. cylindrical plugs). The facilities are also fitted with the latest releases of two Delcam CAM stations (3 and 5 axes) and a Microsystem Cimatron CAM station. Two trained technicians control the entire programming cycle of the rough and finishing machines, and since 2011 we have also been equipped with three work stations programmed to work without human supervision.
5-axis machining center for finishing matrixes
Department for CNC finishing with three machine tools (magazine with 80 tool cells)
Last generation erosions. Plunge-spark erosion installed in January 2012
Rough machining centers
-milling and boring machine fixed bed-type ISO 50 with rotary table and angle heads Mecof CR15, 3000X1000X1200, Heidenhain 430, in operation since November 2013;
-Auerback fixed bed-type ISO 50 with universal head, 1200X700X700, Selca 3045;
-Sumo 1100, ISO 40, 1100X600X600, Selca 3045;

Matrixes and plugs finishing centers
-Paventa speed 2000, ISO 40, 18000 revs, 2000X700X700, digital Selca 4045 PD;
-Huron K2X10, 18000 revs, HSK63 A, 900X800X600, digital Siemens 840D;
-Huron EX, 14000 revs, HSK63 A, 2500X800X800, Siemens 840 machine with indexed rotary table 3+2 axes + horizontal;
-Sumo 1200 BT40, 12000 revs, 1200X600X600, digital Selca 4045 PD;
-First MCV 1000 BT40, 10000 revs, 1000X600X600, digital Selca 4045 PD;

Finishing center for plugs and spare turning parts
-Fadal BT40, 10000 revs, 1000X500X500, Selca 3045 mechanical dividing head;

Electrodes milling center
-Aerre, ISO 40, 10000 revs, 800X500X500, Selca 3045 with Nikken table, 4+1 axes;

-Agie Agietron Advacnce, power pack 63 A, 700X400X500;
-Ona NX4c folding tub 63 A, 700X400X500;
-Mitsubishi FA20, wire erosion, 500X400X300;